Twenties Dirtbag

イギリスの大学院で脳の勉強をしてきた25歳、今は広告業界で働きながら、ボルダリングジムを経営中! 基本的にどうでもいいはなし。


It’s been such a long time.

Gradually, I have been finished my processes of application that is my future career (Graduate student) in United Kingdom.

Recently, I did a proofread of these. Many times I visited my stranger English teacher who is working in my University from Unite Kingdom. In addition, the teacher graduate from what I want to go. Although, there are many reasons I wanted to meet and times visited, I could not meet ever.

After disappointed several times, -I couldnot meet- I saw some men who came from like foreign in my University when I am walking near the central of college. Then I asked Where did you come from??and he answered United statesI thought(Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Then I have thought that I want you to check my app…
But we first met just now…
Its may little bit rudeness…

I said,

Sorry for my excuse, would you do me a favor??
what ?
I am student of here and 4-grade, and having the plan to go study abroad in UK as a graduate student
Just now, I have written a some documents that are needed for admission.
OH, sounds good
So…I want you to proofread my document
Why not! Please send me a e-mail Here you are !
As I said above, I can get a connection with native speakers!
To be continue